Due to the State of Emergency declared on August 12, 2016 by Governor John Bel Edwards in response to the historic flooding in parts of Louisiana, and the inability of many insurance policy holders to repair their property within normal time frames because of a shortage of building materials, contractors, and construction workers, the Commissioner
Governor John Bel Edwards
The Governor’s Authority: Potential Issues Surrounding Executive Orders After the 2016 Flood
The Louisiana Homeland Security and Emergency Assistance and Disaster Act, codified at Louisiana Revised Statutes §§ 29:721-739, confers certain emergency powers upon the governor to ensure that the State will be able to deal adequately with emergencies and disasters. In particular, Section 29:724 (D)(1) permits the governor to “[s]uspend the provisions of any regulatory statute…
New Letter Announces Increased Federal Aid for Public Projects
The federal government has been authorized to cover a larger percentage of the costs for repairing damage to public infrastructure caused by the recent flooding in South Louisiana.
According to a letter dated September 8, 2016, from President Obama to Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards, the federal cost share for public assistance projects has been…
Governor’s Amended Executive Order – Some Legal Deadlines Only Suspended Until Tomorrow
Governor John Bel Edwards has issued an amended executive order following Executive Order No. JBE 16-57 regarding the Emergency Suspension Of Deadlines In Legal, Administrative And Regulatory Proceedings. While the prescription and preemption deadlines remain suspended until September 9, other legal deadlines are only suspended until August 19, except for certain listed parishes.
General Notices and Declarations
Below is a list of general notices and declarations of major disaster areas in Louisiana following the August 2016 flooding. Any updates to this list will be noted.
President Obama’s Major Disaster Declaration for Livingston Parish: President Obama Signs Louisiana Disaster Declaration (Aug. 14, 2016)