Taxpayers may need to be proactive between now and the end of the year if they intend to deduct their 2016 property taxes on their 2016 federal income tax returns. Taxpayers that own real property in a flood-impacted parish and deduct property taxes paid for federal income tax purposes should be aware that the timing
McGlinchey Insight
The Governor’s Authority: Potential Issues Surrounding Executive Orders After the 2016 Flood
By McGlinchey on
Posted in Government Updates, McGlinchey Insight
The Louisiana Homeland Security and Emergency Assistance and Disaster Act, codified at Louisiana Revised Statutes §§ 29:721-739, confers certain emergency powers upon the governor to ensure that the State will be able to deal adequately with emergencies and disasters. In particular, Section 29:724 (D)(1) permits the governor to “[s]uspend the provisions of any regulatory statute…