McGlinchey Stafford attorneys Rudy Aguilar, Jr. and J-P Perrault were quoted in an article in the Greater Baton Rouge Business Report, “Businesses Impacted by Flooding Have Options for Financing Their Recovery, But They Need to do Some Homework.” Businesses can follow a number of courses of action, from taking on debt to applying for federal

The Greater Baton Rouge Business report has highlighted the Flood Law Blog as a resource for businesses affected by the catastrophic Louisiana floods. Rudy Aguilar, Managing Member of McGlinchey Stafford, was quoted as saying, “We always strive to provide unprecedented legal services to our clients, and right now countless businesses throughout Louisiana seek to

How does a company that lost books and records to the Louisiana flooding reconstruct financial and other business records?

Members of the McGlinchey Stafford Flood Law Blog team, Angie Christina, Managing Editor/Content Editor, and Rudy Aguilar III, Editor-in-Chief, provided answers to this question and others, as well as tips for business owners, in